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Charte européenne des langues minoritaires : dix ans !

2008 a zo dekvet deiz ha bloaz Karta Europa ar yezhoù rannvroel/2008 est le dixième anniversaire de la charte européenne des langues régionales et minoritaires. Ma faota deoc'h gouiet muioc'h a draoù a ziar-benn ar Garta-se, rekiz e vo deoc'h lenn saozneg/ Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur cette charte il vous faudra lire l'anglais :

"Last month the Council of Europe marked the tenth anniversary of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. A decade ago, the first ever European treaty on minority languages came into force. The Charter has allowed many states to pledge their commitment to protecting their linguistic diversity.

A total of 23 European states have now signed and ratified the Charter. As many as ten minority languages are spoken in some of these states, including Romania , Serbia and the Ukraine. Germany, Croatia and Austria are the EU countries with the greatest diversity of languages.

Ten states have not yet ratified the Charter, including Italy, Greece, Russia and Poland. But France is the European state with the most unfavourable minority language policies: it has never ratified the Charter because, according to its Minister of Culture, “it is against the principles of the state”. Article 2 of the French Constitution stipulates that “The language of the Republic is French”."


Mammenn/Source : Mercator Newsletter

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